The 3rd Workshop on Recommender Systems for Human Resources (RecSys in HR 2023) was co-located withย the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, in Singapore, 18-22nd September 2023.
September 26, 2023: And that’s a wrap! Thanks to our keynote speakers, panelists, presenters and authors for making our workshop a success! See our tweetstream for an impression of the workshop, and stay tuned for the recording to be published.
September 15, 2023: We have finalized our Program, and published the full details (title, bio, abstract) of our keynote speakers: Matissa Hollister and Madhu Kurup!
September 12, 2023: With the passing of the camera-ready deadline, we have now published pre-prints of the accepted papers here: Accepted Papers. Stay tuned for the official proceedings to appear in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
August 27, 2023: We have sent out all notifications and published the list of accepted papers. For this year’s edition, we have accepted 10 papers for publication in our workshop proceedings.
July 18, 2023: We have published our lineup of speakers: we’re excited to have Matissa Hollister and Madhu Kurup as keynote speakers! Our panel lineup includes Estevam Hrushka and Tommaso Di Noia.
April 17, 2023: We published our Call for Papers!
March 25, 2023: We received word that our proposal for the 3rd Workshop on Recommender Systems for Human Resources (RecSys in HR 2023) was accepted for inclusion in the program of ACM RecSys 2023 in Singapore!