The 2nd Workshop on Recommender Systems for Human Resources (RecSys in HR 2022) is co-located with the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, in Seattle, WA, USA, 22nd September 2022.
Last year’s (first!) edition was co-located with ACM RecSys 2021 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. See last year’s workshop site for the recording, proceedings, and a workshop report!
We’ve released the full workshop recordings, so go ahead and watch all of the sessions and talks of our workshop recording.
6 october 2022: We have uploaded the full recording of our workshop. See the recording here.
20 september 2022: Our proceedings our now online! Head on over to CEUR-WS.org.
15 september 2022: We have posted the pre-prints of the accepted papers, go ahead and take a look at them over here! Those selected for oral presentations at the workshop are linked for your convenience in our (still tentative, but getting ever so slightly less so) program.
12 september 2022: We have now finalized our panel! We are honored to host Carlos Castillo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Helen Hulsker (Randstad), Robyn Rap (Indeed) and Liangjie Hong (LinkedIn) in our panel on benefits and challenges of automatic job recommendation.
9 september 2022: Our second keynote speaker is confirmed! Robyn Rap, data science leader at Indeed will be talking about mixed methods approaches in RecSys! We have also published our tentative (⚠️) program.
5 September 2022: We have published the accepted papers! This year, a total of 11 papers were accepted for publication in our Proceedings and to be presented at our workshop.
19 July 2022: There is a date! Our workshop will be held on Thursday September 22!
17 May 2022: We have published the Call for Papers of the 2022 edition of RecSys in HR!
10 April 2022: Fantastic news! We received word the 2nd edition of our RecSys in HR Workshop has been accepted for inclusion in the RecSys 2022 program! See you in Seattle!